Pace Performance - Starter Heat Shield

Component Specific Heat Shield - Starter Heat Shield
Lava™ or Stealth™ Starter Heat Shield prevents starter failures and extends the life of your starter motor and solenoid. Made from crushed volcanic rock fiber, this starter insulation shield is engineered to protect your starter motor from extreme temperatures. Starters are generally located in the hottest part of the engine bay near exhaust where there is limited air flow. Lava™ or Stealth™ Starter Shield provides insulation from temperatures up to 1200°F continuous and 2000°F intermittent and extends the life of your starter motor and solenoid. Many products on the market require at least a 1-inch space of airflow around them in order to work effectively. Due to the unique properties of volcanic rock, our Lava Starter Heat Shield can work even in the tightest of spaces where airflow is scarce. If you’re worried about sparks flying, you can rest at ease. Our cutting-edge Lava™ or Stealth™ Shield is the first of its kind on the market that does not conduct electricity and will not create an electrical short circuit if it comes into contact with exposed starter terminals.
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