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Edelbrock Dual Quad Insulator Kit (2) 9267

Pricing: $40.95


The Edelbrock Square-bore Dual Quad Heat Insulator Gaskets #9267 are designed to prevent percolation on Thunder Series and Edelbrock Performer Series Carburetors exposed to extreme under hood temperatures. These gaskets feature a four hole design which will allow dual quad Performer and RPM manifolds to seal properly to the carburetor. Prior to installation check air cleaner-to-hood clearance to ensure that additional height of heat insulator gaskets will not cause interference. Remove air cleaner and all attachments to the carburetors such as fuel lines throttle linkage and vacuum lines. Be sure to note the position or tag each piece to facilitate re-installation. Remove the carburetors and set them aside then remove the old base gaskets and any additional plates. Remove the short carb studs and install the longer studs. Install the #9267 heat insulator gaskets directly against the manifold then replace the carbs and all other connections.


  • 9267
  • 9267
  • 00085347092673
  • Edelbrock
  • New

Shipping Information

  • Item Requires Shipping
  • 1.0 lbs.
  • W0.0000” x H8.0000” x L12.0000”

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