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Beehive style springs1.800" installed height @ 90 Lbs pressureSet of 16 - 12625033 Used on LS2 / LS6 headsMax lift .570"1.250" Height, 295 Lbs pressureUse with cap 10166344 and keeper 10166345
These are also the same spring used on the new Chevrolet Performance small block Chevy Fast-Burn cylinder heads.
525 Cylinder Head & Related Parts|604 Cylinder Head & Related Parts|Sprint Car|Valve Springs|Valve Spring Kit
Shipping Information
Item Requires Shipping
3.0 lbs.
W5.2500” x H5.2500” x L7.7500”
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Chevrolet Performance Parts - 19420455 - CPP Performance LS Engine Valve Spring Kit (set of 16)
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Bobby J. Verified Customer
It was all good. Called the Pace office to inquire about part availability and ordered online. Easy!
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