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Camshaft Degree Wheel | Pro Model | 16 Inch Diameter | Blue Anodized Finish With White Numbers | Manufactured from High-Quality Billet Aluminum To Ensure Durability and Reliability | Oversize Lettering Makes Wheel Easy To Read | Sold Each
PROFORM's Professional 16" Billet Aluminum Degree Wheel is for the serious engine builder and tuner. Easily attach this oversized degree wheel to a professional crankshaft turning socket and you're done! There's nothing better than an easy to read degree wheel when degreeing your camshaft!
Camshaft Degree Wheel | Pro Model | 16 Inch Diameter | Blue Anodized Finish With White Numbers | Manufactured from High-Quality Billet Aluminum To Ensure Durability and Reliability | Oversize Lettering Makes Wheel Easy To Read | Sold Each
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